Time schedule of 911 in algebraic form

I guess no-one is interested in this, as I got no comments on my previous analysis, but it is also possible that the presentation format was not ideal. Therefore, I here present the data in a form which anyone with a mathematical or engineering background, even far below college level should understand.

(OBS entry is not ready, I pressed publish instead of save draft)
Update:I have decided to not publish the algebraic time relations of the 911 event. Anyone skilled in math can do it easily if they want, using the data  from my previous analysis. The reason for not publishing them, is that nobody seems interested in them. If I get a lot of requests I’ll publish them, but it’s also a good and simple exercise in algebra to do it on your own.

Best wishes/Roland

About Orre Gustav. A.I. Roland

Technological ideologist, hacker (geek+nerd) Member of the Swedish Pirate Party. Developing the next generation customer driven innovation system. Wish-IT®, Wish Innovation Technologies® http://wish-it.se I like hacking with everything that makes information useful: Electronics, free hardware/software, knowledge systems, machine learning, AI (and in the future nano technology). I consider the patent system, the current monetary system and our national borders to be our biggest obstacles against a flourishing world in peace. Proprietary software and hardware is a dead end. I use only Linux on laptops, desktops and servers. PhD in computer science. MSc in engineering physics. Skilled in software development, data analysis and pattern recognition. Developing next generation customer driven innovation systems Wish-IT®, Wish Innovation Technologies ®, implementing permaculture in the land of ideas and innovation, making the customer the inventor. Favorite quotation: “If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” -- George Bernard Shaw
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