The end❢ of the world?

(finally we all wake up❣ …)

It is clear that businesses which currently take place at many places over the world are not always for the best of the humanity and its development. The so called “profit thinking” which is short sighted and non productive, as its main goal is to make “profit” is a type of business which need to disappear or change its focus.

We need to promote the good forces in the society, we need to encouragre those who create and produce due to passion and love, those who care about what they produce and who care about the consumers. We need to encourage those who use ecological/biological producation simply because this is a more robust and well tested technology. For my own I do not oppose e.g. GMO in principle, but GMO is most often associated with harmful, monopolising, lock-in business models, where huge companies (like Monsanto) are trying to monopolise the market with patents and other types of lock ins. For a healthy development we need to promote what we know is healthy, and organic production clearly is.


About Orre Gustav. A.I. Roland

Technological ideologist, hacker (geek+nerd) Member of the Swedish Pirate Party. Developing the next generation customer driven innovation system. Wish-IT®, Wish Innovation Technologies® I like hacking with everything that makes information useful: Electronics, free hardware/software, knowledge systems, machine learning, AI (and in the future nano technology). I consider the patent system, the current monetary system and our national borders to be our biggest obstacles against a flourishing world in peace. Proprietary software and hardware is a dead end. I use only Linux on laptops, desktops and servers. PhD in computer science. MSc in engineering physics. Skilled in software development, data analysis and pattern recognition. Developing next generation customer driven innovation systems Wish-IT®, Wish Innovation Technologies ®, implementing permaculture in the land of ideas and innovation, making the customer the inventor. Favorite quotation: “If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” -- George Bernard Shaw
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